EcoGenics©, Inc.

Alternative Shelter Section

The EcoShelter© 

(continued text)  The EcoShelter© is designed to provide a 32 ft. diameter shelter that can maintain extremely comfortable temperatures with very low cost, in winter and summer, due to the super insulating properties inherent in the design. Other  salient features of this system are the extremely low cost, ease of erection and spaciousness. This system comes in kit form, and does not include concrete, wiring, appliances or wall finishes.

     The room structure shown above can be combined with others in many ways. They can be grouped, linked or nested into various configurations to provide a wide variety of housing solutions as shown below:

    View some of the structures below:
EcoShelter© (interior view) (9K) EcoShelter© (exterior view) (9K)
Our structures are built to help you fulfill your dream of living off the grid. Feel free to ask us any question you might have about alternative shelters and join our email list: livingoffthegrid.

Alternative Shelters @ EcoGenics©,Inc.
Closed-Loop Ecosystems

Conventional panelized




Fax: (865)908-0023 

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